Heres everything you need to know before plastic carryout bags disappear from the Empire State on March 1. On average, plastic bags cost retailers about 3-5 cents each. Additionally, a plastic straw ban could also act as a gateway into other single-use plastic bans for items like plastic bottles and plastic bags, which are worse for the environment than plastic straws. Speak out in support of local plastic bans, whether by calling your local government representative, submitting an op-ed to your citys newspaper, or simply starting conversations with neighbors. Low rated: 2. What Is Plastic Made Of And How Is It Manufactured? Please share this message with your friends so that together, we can tackle our global plastic problem. Therefore, a plastic straw ban by itself is unlikely to be very effective in actually helping the environment, although it could act as a gateway into the reduction of other single-use plastics. It may not seem like much, but when you imagine how many bags they have to provide throughout a year, you will quickly realize that plastic bags are costly. Microplastics are plastic debris that measures less than five millimetres, or 0.2 inches, in diameter. According to the United States National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration, microplastics are so small that they move straight through water filtration, Read More What Are Microplastics and Why Are They a Concern? Pack it alongside reusable cutlery (like wood, bamboo, or metal chopsticks) for sustainable eating on the go. Additionally, someone has to pay the cost of dealing with plastic bags in the waste stream. Her Stand-Up Paddleboard Is a Platform for Campaigning Against Plastic Pollution, A Growing Concern: Microplastic Pollution on Farm Fields. Single-use plastics are a glaring example of the problems with throwaway culture. Natural Resources Defense Council 2023 Privacy Policy 2. The first country to ban single-use plastic bags was Bangladesh in 2002 when plastic bag litter clogged drainage channels and contributed to destructive floods. that do collect plastic bags and other plastic films and send them for proper recycling. That is why the United Nations Environmental Programme Secretariat has recommended a ban on all plastic bags globally. A plastic straw ban would serve to reduce the number of plastic straws entering the ocean. Theyve even made their way up to the secluded Pyrenees mountain range and down to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. If youd like to learn more about how plastic straws negatively impact the environment, you can check out this article I wrote about the environmental impact of plastic straws. Not only does the waste destroy the land itself, but when plastic is incinerated (as is the case for unrecyclable plastic at some illegal facilities) its toxic fumes quickly become a health hazard for residents, leading to everything from skin rashes to cancer. Beyond the costs associated with the production and purchasing of plastic bags by retailers, there are many external costs that are often not considered. Stanford Reportspoke withJim Leape, co-director of theStanford Center for Ocean Solutions, andCraig Criddle, a professor of civil and environmental engineering, about the path to reducing ocean plastic pollution. Additionally, awareness raising campaigns create a social pressure that should inspire local government and institutions to help in making changes at a bigger scale, like a regional ban or levy. Greentumble is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Greenwashing Alert: Chemical Recycling Isnt Actually Recycling. We need to make fully biodegradable polymers that are cost-competitive. Well, before putting it into the laundry basket, take a look at it closely. By comparison, an estimated 46 percent of all pollution in the ocean is made up of lost or abandoned fishing gear (Vox). To date, around 60 countries and municipalities around the world have instituted plastic bag bans, and additional seven countries are planning to enforce the law in the closest future. What is the root of the problem (consumers or municipal waste management)? Instead it ends up in landfills or in the environment. Its also important to look at the bigger picture regarding plastic bans. When animals ingest plastic, it clogs up their digestive systems, which can easily choke or kill animals like birds or sea turtles. Here are 3 reasons why plastic straws should not be banned, explained in a simple and easy-to-understand manner: For some people with disabilities, straws are the only way they can drink. This leaves few other alternatives other than plastic straws. Plastic bags floating in the ocean resemble jellyfish, one of the main sources of food for some species of sea turtles, especially the critically-endangered Leatherback turtles. 23 Reasons Why we should ban Plastic Bags | Environment Buddy Ms. LISA PAI . Try reusable and compostable beeswax wrap for an easy and decorative option. Plastic bags have become such a nuisance because we as consumers use them excessively even when not needed and authorities havent figured out effective ways of dealing with them as waste. Actress Nina Nelson and other celebrities made a video claiming that plastic. However, we are all too familiar with situations when a cashier automatically puts your items in a plastic bag before you can oppose it. Better alternatives are available 10. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Made from petroleum products, Baekland's " bakelite " plastic was a revolutionary material. How? The reason to worry is that scientists do not know how our metabolism and immunity will react to the increased concentration of plastic particles in our system. Plastics bags are not so much necessary that man cannot live without it. In 2008, a crocodile in Australia died because of 25 plastic bags filling its stomach [11]. They prevent millions of tons of plastic from entering the waste stream each year. The manufacturing of reusable bags or compostable alternatives to plastic bags offers a new opportunity to create sustainable products and provide jobs that go with them. In countries with a lack of awareness about negative impacts of plastic bags, a polite refusal might not be met with much understanding. But the sheer amount of plastic waste inundates communities until they are drowning under thousands of tons of plastic trash. Martin Grimm/Picture-alliance via Associated Press. Some companies are taking initiative on their own. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. She can remember all of her vehicles the Pontiac 6000, her familys car that was passed on to her when she went to college; the Volkswagen Rabbit, and later Fox, that took her through young adulthood; the Honda Civics,, Read More Car Recycling: Everything You Need to Know (With Statistics)Continue, Whether youre a scuba diver, snorkeler, or amateur swimmer, the ocean is a playground where you come to explore the beauty of nature and the difference from your regular lifes environment. A straw with our iced coffee, a plastic bag to carry our takeout, a wrapper on a candy bar: taken individually, each seems harmless. Making just one simple swap, like purchasing a reusable water bottle, can spare the environment hundreds of plastic bottles each year. Globally, 8 to 10 percent of our current oil supply goes to a plastic bag manufacture [4]. Growing public concern has inspired movements to ban single-use plastics, most notably straws. BY Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, As Colorado River wanes, water supplies and ecosystems hang in the balance, Riverfront forest restoration can deliver outsized benefits, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, An AI solution to climate models gravity wave problem, Beavers will become a bigger boon to river water quality as U.S. West warms. (Source: Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment), Stanford scientists are among a growing number of researchers harnessing artificial intelligence techniques to bring more realistic representations of ubiquitous atmospheric ripples into global climate models. State Disclosures. China 10 Reasons Why Plastic Straws Should Be Banned Manufacturers, Supply 10 Reasons Why Plastic Straws Should Be Banned with High Quality, Wholesale 10 Reasons Why Plastic Straws Should Be Banned with Low Price, High Quality. 2. It is estimated that there are now 150 million metric tons of plastic in the ocean. Why Plastic Straws Are Being Banned - Square Forty years after the launch of the first universal recycling symbol, only 14 percent of plastic packaging is recycled. Other country that has decided to enforce the country-wide plastic bag ban after suffering of negative consequences was Mauritania. Starbucks plans to phase out plastic straws by 2020. Consumer outrage about the plastics crisis is already commanding attention from big companies and from many governments. Accompanied by high social accountability and musical garbage trucks, that strategy has proved wildly effective: the island now reports recycling rates above 50 percent. After all, ask your grandparents, they will remember that during their time people were used to go shopping with their own bags or baskets. Why we shouldn't ban plastic straws Antithesis Journal Plastic bags are everywhere. TOP 10 10 reasons why plastic straws should be banned BEST and NEWEST Plastic straws only account for roughly one percent of the total amount of waste plastic found in the ocean. Avoid plastic wrap altogether by storing leftovers in reusable containers. Plastic is putting a strain on waste management systems, our oceans, and vulnerable communities the world over. But should plastic straws really be banned? Here are 3 reasons why plastic straws should not be banned, explained in a simple and easy-to-understand manner: 1. As it turns out, many microorganisms make moldable bioplastic polymers that are fully degradable. CRAIG CRIDDLE: In addition to recycling more and reusing materials more, we need new materials that can do the same jobs as current plastics, but are biodegradable, nontoxic and do not concentrate in food chains. You as an individual have the power to make a gradual change in your community. Instead of searching for another buyer, maybe some soul-searching is in order. The crucial challenge is to ensure that these bans are just a first step. So, plastic bag recycling facilities are few and far between and transportation to one could be expensive. This means that you are not consuming more resources every time you need to carry your groceries home. You are free to have your own personal opinion on whether or not we should ban plastic straws. Well, a possible alternative solution could be to encourage businesses to only give out plastic straws on request.