Thank you my good people and a wonderful site for films discussion. I searched for more movies with the actor Jack G after watching Nortunal Animals. Chris, you have written a very good essay, and most of your explanations are sound and thoughtful. Its like Hollywood thinks they have conditioned us to just accept anything and call it clever. I dont think its entirely unrealistic. My guess is he's been blowing the whistle for days without anybody being able to hear him during the excavation. Everything is action, action, action. Federal Inmates. They recognised them because Bob Taylor breaks into each of the girls houses and steals them. And what are the benefits or consequences of his doubt? Before you trash this post, and think Im a nut case, please view the first 5 minuets of my video. How fitting we have a character named Grace, a word typically associated with Gods favor. Rather than face the sobering realization that she may have left the protection of her family entirely on her husbands shoulders ( according to the screenplay, she drank wine and was tipsy at the Thanksgiving get-together, but he just drank milk), she would rather sleep because she loves her children and husband deeply and gladly serves what he prepares in the more safe and secure world that he is trying to create for themso its complicated. In-roads arent always necessary, as many artists will use more obvious devices. Loki goes to the Jones's house to tell her that her nephew has been found. Also, the first time we see the girls outside theyre wearing gloves. When we first meet Holly, she tells Loki that her husband has been gone for 5 years. This would explain why Alex was not able to drive the van. Experienced Human Resources professional with a Law Degree focused on Labor & Employment Law coursework. These factors lead me to believe that the two girls, especially Anna, are potential abusers-to-be, because of their limited speech, the abuse they suffered, and the nature of inevitable violence in the cyclical maze, where abuse encourages more abuse. I believe that Loki will save Keller. His profession being the same as that of Jesus, and the movie opening with Kellers devout prayer, also creates the false sense that Keller will be the good in the film. And yeah, the book was about what Holly and her husband were doing. Less than a week I believe. In Prisoners (2013) Holly Jones' house number 1634 is an apparent reference to Acts 16:16-34 the story of Paul and Silas in prison. They are from USC, UCLA, Columbia, Yale, and Chapman University. I get thinking Alex not talking is weird/problematic. This would be how they have the image of the maze. Which seems like a weird call lol. This, to me is where the whistle provides significant symbolism. I watched prisoners after its release and i was young so it felt just like another movie. Prisoners could have presented information in the way most movies dostacking details in a chronological, linear fashion thats digestible and allows viewers to go from a place of total ignorance to a place of complete understanding. Thank you! Now if Nocturnal Animals didnt have flashbacks, if we only saw Adams read this book and get emotional but otherwise live her life normallythat wouldnt work. Excellent review, I enjoyed reading the things I understood, as well as the details I missed out on. It asks you what you believe in. What did you think about the performances? Perhaps another theme of the movie is communication. 2.) Like Taylor, Alex is both influenced by his abductor and struggling to speak on something that is too terrible to express. Thanks! It is frustrating that we dont get some more closure though. Funny enough, Dover Historian mentions in Turkey the word means to beat or hit a person. Keller Dover definitely did a lot of dovering in Prisoners.). Thats the only way he can communicate to Loki where the girls might be, what happened to him, etc. The little girls are not the same (one clings to her mother for dear life and the other is stoic)? I think the film supports it by not having Bob Taylor or the girls talk either. Origin I thought this was the whole reason behind Keller being obsessed with preparing for the worst, that his dad had been facing something he was unable to cope with and killed himself as his only way out of that situation. I think if you re-watchPrisonersafter reading this, then the movie is going to feel way more obvious in what its doing and why. For example, he doesnt say a word when introduced to Joys mother and she hands him photographs of her daughter. Lokis neck is a badgeso along with your hypothesishis god is justice/prison. I love it that youre so active in the comments and engaging with readers, it encourages me (and hopefully other readers) to revisit movies with new perspectives in mind and discuss further. I could go to China and be fine, obviously . Instead, it leaves a few context clues there for us to piece things together. In the hospital, Joy says to Keller, You were there, which Keller realizes means Hollys house and that Holly wasnt an innocent old lady. I hope this was helpful. Why is there snakes? English isnt my first language so I hope this made sense. When you get to the end of a movie like Inception, theres no explanation about what happened. Thats an interesting point about the zodiac signs! Some people may follow the clues and put 2 and 2 together. This item: Captives of Liberty: Prisoners of War and the Politics of Vengeance in the American Revolution (Early American Studies) by T. Cole Jones Hardcover $33.69 Running from Bondage: Enslaved Women and Their Remarkable Fight for Freedom in Revolutionary America by Karen Cook Bell Hardcover $15.80 Review How do you create a plot with supposed depth and cleverness and use so many ridiculous elements? Hence why, upon going back to the Kellers home, Loki finds one of the socks in the bushes. Within hours of her disappearance, police launch a massive search and issue an "Amber Alert," a. Which led to Kellers survival mindset. Something like that. That was still the day of Joys escape, maybe only a few hours later. This movie is called Prisoners, but the title isn't meant to simply reference Bob Taylor as a prisoner of Detective Loki, or Alex Jones as the hostage of Keller Dover, or even Anna and Joy as. Its a huge part of the religionlikea cornerstone of Christian theology. Loved the movie and this thread, and its not like me to concentrate for two hours on a film. The dead body discovered in the priests house just so happens to have on a maze necklace. But the CSI experts would surely have noticed if the van had been cleaned very recently, and that small detail would have been suspicious as well. The two kidnapped girls. We only learn that the items have been bought. To 247 Sports in 2016, Jones said, "I speak Chinese. Joel Cox, the editor, felt very strongly about it. Since Bob Taylor was just a side plot to throw the viewer off, Im inclined to think it was Alex?? | Again, I appreciate your review. Best. Check your email or visit the Flickr blog for more information to celebrate your 2022 on Flickr. Joy and Anna see the RV while on a walk with their siblings, Ralph and Eliza. Then took them back to Holly. Midway through Prisoners were introduced to the concept of the maze. In other mythologies, it varies. None of us really wanted to do that version, but we wanted to make sure we had it in case once the film was put together it seemed like it really needed it. What follows are the vital details of Prisonersstudied, analyzed, deconstructed, dissected, unraveled, and presented for your review. I wanted to just add one thing! The simplest answer is just Theyre in shock and that makes memory difficult. Because its actually something the girls had, how else would it get there? In Latin, Dubris meant waters. I thought that Alex and Bob were weirder than they needed to be, and in their bizarreness, not real, and therefore, not anyone that I could mourn for, though what theyd been through was terrible. He always closes a case and he said he would find Keller, 2. After being detained, Michael Briere, 35, was charged with her murder. She feels God is anything but gracious. Now these parents have a son that kidnaps/molests/drugs/kills little kids. We know Bob Taylor was abducted by Holly Jones and her husband. What was up with the nervous twitch? The Monkey and Rooster zodiac signs, which Jake discusses with the waitress foreshadow the character traits of Jake (Loki) and Hugh (Keller). Awesome article Chris and I love that youre still replying to people after all this time! I have kids and if they were ever kidnapped I would pick them being killed than for them to do what Alex did. The only thing I can think of is 1.) Appreciate the kind words! Their plight is immense and it can drive them to do unto others as has been done unto them. Hes essentially trapped in being the caretaker for his mom. History. Theres Amy Adamss character going about her life in the present day. Its like the negotiating tactic of not saying anything. She reveals that she heard Keller while she was held captive. What ending do we choose? This movie is deeply moving and having this info you provided helps me get why I felt this intense sense of spirituality behind the movie but couldnt quite put my finger on it. That says a lot about his mental state, the degree of Stockholm Syndrome hes experiencing. Even though you assume thats whats probably going to happen, I like that theres a small chance that hes not going to get him out of there for whatever reason.. Keller tells Ralph he isnt allowed to leave the house, he has to be an adult stay home and make sure Grace doesnt see the news. Having a very prominent Christian first name and a very prominent Norse last name falls into place with the different spiritualities working together in the movie, which is maybe why hes the one to save the child in the end. I think Loki didnt necessarily have the time since he was more concerned about the girls. I dont buy it. Evil-doer Constantly updated. The story is great. Prisoners, like Inception, ends on a cliffhanger. She was there less than a week. Also known as: infinity. . That the book is a dramatic retelling of Adams cheating on then dumping Gyllenhaal and the pain he dealt with in the aftermath of her hurting him. Jones, as a last name, means son of John. And John, as a name, means God is gracious. The irony here is that Hollys child died. in public-policy analysis, UNC-Chapel Hill; master's of divinity . That would have cinched the mystery early on. To the point where it becomes undeniable that one theme of Us is the cultural state of America. Back in the 80s, Holly Jones and her husband are devout Christians. Yell from a distance to freeze: So you can say you said it. He is unable to finish his prayer because I think he realizes that what he is doing is not according to what he believes in, but still believes that this is an act of necessary violence and he cant quite come to terms with himself on that. confused just by this bit. Holly secretly pulls out a pistol and begins shooting at Loki, who panics and manages to move our the way. So, maybe after recalling what Annas mother said, he might be able to link that to the sound of the whistle at Hollys house and try to find Keller. But also the idea of the maze itself and of trauma, this infinite thing. Which can work for some, but not for everyone. Company Credits We werent given any other reason for Dover Snrs death, were we? I assumed that it was Bob and he was referring to when he was captured by the police in the van at the rest stop. How did Loki know she found her whistle? And they may not have had anything to go on. Look Up An Inmate . So its unlikely she suddenly appeared and seized the girls. Alex spends most nights sleeping in the RV and does not have many things. Its a solid theory. And yes, it also reinforces the theme of imprisonment, because a maze can be, after all, a prison and almost every character in Prisoners is working through some kind of maze (physical, emotional, psychological, or spiritual). Police lay murder charge in Holly Jones case. We also see that Alex and Bob face a diminution in their ability to express themselves, in speech or otherwise (of which, I am convinced the actors mustve studied the behaviour of those experiencing anxiety or other trauma, as the accuracy is unnerving). The question is will he put it all together and solve the puzzle? I imagine its a pretty isolating position as he has lost his sister to the kidnap, his mother to the grief, and his father to his own agenda. Can you explain the girls flashback when she sees Keller? Hey! I imagine this is part of the routine for her prisoners that keeps them in a lethargic state in their imprisonment. In the scene in which Prisoners, directed by sci-fi movie master Denis Villeneuve, reveals that Holly was responsible for the kidnapping, it is also revealed that Taylor was a former victim of the Jones' that actually escaped, and Holly forgot he existed until he appeared in the news. Does Loki represent a spirituality beyond Christianity? Alex reunited with parents??? What if he was like the sex offender priest, who thought no one would believe him if he spoke out, so the priest thought that only HE could stop Hollys husband the way that he did! Alex Jones also refers to a maze. The main story of Prisoners is the kidnapping of two young girls. This might be seen as an act of destruction, but also as a noble act of creation. Great acting, including Melissa Leo as Holly, so soft spoken, chilling. But, at this point, you know better than to think its coincidence, right? Just that Alex went to see his old house, which is near the Birchs house. Brilliant article, enjoyed every word of it. Has astrological symbols tattooed on his hands. 127 South Second Street 919-989-5040 . So while Alex not confessing what happened to Keller could seem crazy, its in-line with how Prisoners shows other victims of abduction struggling to express themselves. Lokis name means: prison, to break, to end, fire, which is also an interesting connection with he movie. one question. Lets go through the various types that show up. Happy to hear that Ayman! And now he kind of re-creates this moment. | Its almost like the style and story carry the movie and the cast is just kind of there. So the beginning of Prisoners gets at themes of nature, religion, and violence. Thats why Keller being a carpenter, just like Jesus was, cant be a coincidence, I think. Hes thematically relevant to Prisoners but not crucial to what happens and how it happens. To talk about Prisoners, it helps if we un-maze the story by laying out its key events in chronological order. Devoid of humor, just not especially real. I thought that Holly was the best performance, a bit melodramatic, but very creepy and a smooth transition from Auntie to Killer. | Just my two cents. Though she is not suspected by the police, Alex is, as the girls were seen playing around his RV before the capture. What happened? It comes from that which is inside of all is. And seems to have no one to talk to about what happened. He could be Hollys husband, thats true. This is purposefully meta, as midway through the film the motif of the maze is introduced. Three things that we see come up again and again throughout the film. Nothing more than chilling fragments. Hes a red herring that creates doubt about Alex. Just some assumptions, like Kellers dad saw what happened to his co-worker and decided to become over protective of Keller. They may walk away. Theres one thing not mentioned that I cant shrug off. Whats it mean that Keller prays to God to save him from the hole and its Loki whos there? Rest In Peace Holly. Really insightful. Weve already discussed the importance of trees in pagan religions. How did the FBI agent know about the mazes?? Maybe all of this is in reference to him being the best detective they have and always is able to close the case. Thanks for your reply, Chris! Hes only reacting to the abduction because it reminds him of his own and he starts to copycat, reliving the nightmare of what he experienced with Holly and her husband. So she was in a pretty loopy state. Yeah, it seems thats the case. Theres clearly an attempt to get us to think about listening to the album in reverse chronological order. But how in the world would a jury ever find this guy guilty of anything when he saves two kids, finds/stops the biggest kidnapping ring in the country, after the police basically screwed up bad. Anna's father Keller is however convinced that Alex is the culprit, and soon takes him hostage, torturing him for information. Jones trying to mimic where the pit is in Hollys yard (where Holly puts Keller and Keller finds the whistle). Its no longer Alex being the byproduct of Holly and her husband, or being cruel just to be cruel. Biography Once a loving and religious woman, both Holly and her husband's minds soon took a twisted turn when their son died of cancer. Its almost as though his body forces him tobut during the chase to save Annas life, Loki was driving blind. It requires the work of both men to save the girls. Because 26 years again, he lured Alex to play and kidnapped him. Holly Jones Prisoners Quotes & Sayings Enjoy reading and share 6 famous quotes about Holly Jones Prisoners with everyone. I cant remember if he was listed above in the list of prisoners now but I was thinking Kellers Son Ralph is a prisoner too. He is told a third of that should do for a man of your size and that it is her husbands old secret recipe. The album finishes with the very first line from the first song: So I was takin a walk the other day Its a line that begins a situation where Kendrick gets shot and killed. She clearly loved her son so much since his death broke her sanity and stripped her of any morals. Her back was turned to him. Holly Debord; Van Havis. The other maze to be found would be that; Holly drugs her victims with a concoction that may have LSD or similarthe fbi book refers to this and she does as well, when talking to and then forcing Keller to drink. Regarding the above comments, I recall the detectives discussing the results of forensics on the body in the priests hole. A symbol that we can hear each other if we listen from inside. So was he waiting outside of his old house for someone else to play with who never came? The fact that our two most faithful characters end the movie together, each trusting in their faith, is pretty beautiful. When I say faith in the police, keep in mind that Loki is the detective. Blowing a whistle in order to be heard, and thus saved from dying in the hole, is the equivalent of being saved by the bell from being buried alive. Join our movie club to get similar movie recommendations and stories delivered to your inbox every Friday. He was parked outside of his old house in the camper when the girls came by and got in the camper with him. This is reinforced later by Joys struggles to explain what had happened to her, only able to look at Keller and say, You were there. This causes him to go blind, and although he doesnt cause an earthquake like Loki in mythology, he almost crashes a few times as he speeds down the highway to save the little girl who is suffering from the poison. 9 talking about this. Holly also told Keller that Alex was just taking the girls for a drive in the RV, so maybe they werent frightened until they got to Hollys house and she decided to keep them. I love the part where Keller sits next to Alex torture cell and cant finish his prayer at the sentence: and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, he holds back the last part, breaking at as we. Location: 3794 Highway 468. Psychological imprisonment: Alex and Bob Taylor both suffer from the trauma of their kidnapping. Hey Mary! But its also a clue from the filmmaker to treat the movie as a maze. He was subsequently killed by the priest, who threw the body into the church's basement. document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This technique is more common in artsy projects than it is mainstream ones. She was elected to her first two-year term in November 2022. We see from your examples (Alex telling Keller his girls cried after being interrogated, and his torture of the dog) that the abuse he has suffered has caused him to become capable of abuse himself. Prisoners is about spirituality and the complicated nature we have with spirituality. I also appreciate how you still respond to comments after a year. But I can see that the parents were in so much shock that they wouldnt remember what the girls were wearing when they were taken. Also, are we sure Holly is not in the van as well? Alex Jones is Paul Sandow's older brother; Crimes & Criminals; Canon-Typical Violence; Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault; Alex Is A Good Brother; Alex & Loki have an unlikely partnership . Got it (which is why Keller finds it in the hole at the end). Popular depiction has Loki as a trickster. Or, if it was still his parents, quite surprised! Loki didnt find Keller torturing Alex. And the girl had been drugged. I dont know where his faith lie, but it was grace that got him through. I dont think I said that the Birchs house is Alexs old house. Makes sense that he would have gotten this name from Holly and her husband. One is thematic, the other iswellfor lack of a better word, pretentious. On the surface, all of that just plays into the drama and mystery of a crime thriller. etc. Anyway just brilliant write up. Adding to that, Holly probably never reported him missing (wouldnt have wanted police poking around her place), so his name wouldnt have come up when the detectives were checking past missing persons cases for a man who disappeared 5 years previously. Meanwhile, Bob appears as a new suspect in the case. Doesnt every house have duct tape in it? Theres a moment in the movie where Loki is searching for clues in old newspapers and he founds a note of a man, a correctional officer, who commited suicide (allegedly) after his son was abducted. I believe the drug Holly was injecting into Anna was ketamine. My question is, why didnt he just tell the detective everything right then! But then midway through the movie, Keller Dover kidnaps Alex Jones and keeps Alex prisoner. I want to watch the film again. Holly Jones is the main antagonist of the 2013 thriller film Prisoners. As mentioned before, we have a character named Grace. admin on volusia county school schedule; holly jones prisoners.