Here's my experience as a disabled woman, you can read about my condition in my chronic journey blog post. I will ring and ask for a copy of the assesors report. The nerves eased as the assessment went on but I would definitely say think about time frames and the exact steps you need to do or struggles you face in every day task. Used to work for most of my life. We use cookies on our website. Hope this helps. I thought the assessor seemed lovely and thorough at the time but the report contradicts this. If so explain why. My PIP wasnt removed because of how I was dressed or turned out. Gemma, I dont know if any of that helps, I hope it does. Ive tried to access my How disability affects you form I completed online but it seems I cant. When I go to the toilet at night Im very stiff and I hold on to the radiator and lower myself to the toilet and again hold on to get up. Did she ask questions in the order that you find them online? I was stunned to receive a letter home for 2 weeks and is still very weak. Just a gentle reminder that anything filled in on a PIP form or said during the PIP assessment MUST be accurate, truthful information, otherwise you risk prosecution. why it has to happen ? You'll also get a login, so you can check the progress of your appeal at any time. Forgot your username? To view profiles and participate in discussions please. Chances are, your interviewer is interested in you and was highly engaged in the information you were providing. Your Interview Ran Longer Than Scheduled. New style ESA maybe possible, if you've paid the correct amount of NI contributions in the previous 2 tax years. Not heard anything back as yet, other than I now have another assessment next week -a work capability assessment-which when I queried what it was and why I had to have a second assessment within 2 weeks,was told by DWP that it was a different type of assessment to see if they will pay my NI. Most states that require PIP are no-fault states, which require each person to cover their own medical expenses if they're injured in an accident, regardless of who is responsible. attatel in reply to Diary 3 years ago Sweetyb1@ - The DWP argument for PIP is to ensure the most disabled people get it, yet that wasn't the point of DLA. You can accompany your boyfriend in the assessment. Fill in the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) form 4. of cuts in benefits,..the penalties for somebody trying to give misleading information can be quite severe. congrats getting the award you deserve. After the assessment, which can take some weeks, the result or decision will come through. The best advice I can give you, and others have said it too, is to not rush into your answer. So the answer to her question was no I dont socialise but she wrote down my entire reply. you can refer back to the notes on your claim form if you wish. 1. They give you positive affirmation. A benefit that someone can apply for if the person has reached State Pension age, is the Attendance Allowance. Thank you so much for your helpful response! On my bad days I dont do house work I dont get dressed or wash my hair . If you do tell them they can - and will - stop it. The latest figures from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) show that at the end of October 2022, claims for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) were taking 16 weeks to process from point of registration to the decision being made. The lady who assessed me wasn't too harsh and typed at break neck speed. thank you so much I will ensure to do this x, Get CAB to help you with it, invaluable support I got from them even up to getting a DS1500 form compled by my GP with support from my consultant, the form alone allowed me to get PIP. If you have any questions or comments about the PIP decision timescale, please feel free to reach out to us at any time. I did a wry laugh at that one! If you appeal a PIP decision online, you'll be asked if you want to join the 'track your appeal' service. Thanks for your response. PIP decision timescales in most cases tend to be around 12 weeks, and in most cases, unless there are rare complications in the PIP process, the person gets their PIP in about 12-13 weeks, along with back pay starting the date of their claim. This is a thread regarding PIP, which isn't means tested. Award rates and Assessment award rates to January 2022. In my view it was definitely worth doing, as it avoids the kind of thing J1707 is talking about here. I applied on the 13th September 2021. Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals. Hi the part for scoring in planning a journey for mobility is for mental health issiues,and will not go against you if your not in for that, care maybe ,mobility no as lots just go for the mobility component. Sorry for the rant, not getting at you, but having a disabled wife and watching the fear about the assessments, delays and texts from them. Hopefully it won't be too long. It was an hour and 20 minutes. I really hope things stand to improve for your soon and you get the support you need. Ive still not heard back from my assessment as yet. Making your job a priority. They did comment at my assessment on my clothing and how I looked but I still got PIP. He was very thorough and kind. I hope it goes well! Anyway, very best of luck with it. I have been informed today, that claimants on DLA on the Low Rate Mobility will not receive any points on the PIP version at all. You would need a lot of equipment, and should we give a copy free to ATOS, they should be doing that, not us. DLA rates I get full on both "indefinitely" - but this doesn't count with PIP because it is classed as a new Benefit, even though its similar. On average, it takes the DWP 20 weeks from the date you started your claim to make a decision. This includes things they ask you to do in the physical examination. Can occupational health sign me off work? I have Scleroderma, oesophaphagal disfunction (PEG fed) Fybromyalgia, Cerical Spondy.. wotsit! All rights reserved. Because whether it's through their body language or how they respond to your answers - you can often gauge how an . x, Good luck with assessment. I really wouldn't go with the flow, Deeb. It's not fraudulent, it's them seeing you as you are, even our CAB person was surprised that my wife got her PIP, they see so many cases lost through people just looking neat and tidy, how long do you think it takes a disabled person to look presentable, struggle putting make up on, struggle trying to do their hair, struggle to get dressed, as I said, I have family and friends who have had PIP removed and lowered, just because the looked presentable. My advice is do not give up - I waited 16 months to go to Court and I got my mobility assessment passed by the Judge -. They wont get me down. 14. So I had a telephone assessment for a change of circumstances on the 13th of February. I hope it all goes your way. Unfortunately, the DWP are notoriously difficult to convince whatever your doctor says. Im now getting ready for this work capability appointment next Tuesday. PIP questions in any assessment are usually about the following: Make food or cook. My good friend went for an assessment because of severe depression. He was very thorough and kind. Receive all the latest news and information about Scope,,,, tell us how we can make the community better, Safeguarding So I told her that her question had made me realise why I dont engage with anybody at all and why it made me feel like such a bad person that Im not grateful for the organ donation. WOW questionnaire responses show assessors are still lying, The documents you sent with your claim form, The Health Professionals notes from the medical assessment, your contact details, for example telephone number, your doctor or health workers name, address and telephone number, dates and addresses for any time youve spent abroad, in a care home or hospital, your National Insurance number this is on letters about tax, pensions and benefits, your bank or building society account number and sort code, have had difficulties with daily living or getting around (or both) for 3 months, expect these difficulties to continue for at least 9 months, were already getting PIP before you reached State Pension age and your condition has not changed, have been claiming Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and youve had a letter inviting you to apply for PIP. You didn't sound flippant! I was clean and tidy it went against me. This my reality. The woman who did the assessment was lovely( also part time paramedic) but I Hi all I have not posted for some time I have been going through trying to get my PIP back which I need and would assess it to see if they could award me benefit. If you don't get an indefinite award, you'll get PIP for a fixed amount of time - your decision letter will tell you for how long. I almost had breakdown before mine, as its all i have to live on. I was advised to always to take a photo of all my quesquestionnaire with my phone and then email the pic to myself.By doing this i can always easily check any details.I have also found it helpfull to keep a sort of diary,I put in anything that I feel I struggle with that i wouldn't if I was healthy,it was a bit of an eye-opener as to how much doesn't register as an "affect" of your condition because you just have to get on with things and don't give it a second thought. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804, Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging. Do you avoid socialising? Just as a reminder keep (or take a pic with your mobile and email the pics to yourself so you always have access to them!) There are different rules if youre terminally ill. You cannot get PIP and Armed Forces Independence Payment at the same time.. Registered in England and Wales. I just told them how it was so whether they choose to tick those boxes in my favour or not only time will tell, If you are having an assessment soon, don't worry just tell them about your bad days, that's all you can do. Send in the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) form 5. Was on DLA allowance before with low care and high mobility. Est-ce que le prix des pellets va baisser en 2023 ? I had my PIP assessment this week too (new claim - no DLA previouly). He even helped me give good responses. The next step is to survive your performance improvement plan and come out as a better-qualified, more valuable worker. The Benefits and Work member guides for PIP are excellent as they take you through the process step by step. My Occupational Therapist tried to get me a Bio-Bidet which is basically a new toilet seat, but with the additional parts of a bidet, but the funding was turned down, that cost 1,000 - the reason given was not suitable for individual, hence now they have applied for a Clos-o-mat, costing 7,000 which has been accepted. My top tips for getting through the PIP process: 1. These medicals can be extremely harshly assessed. I would never forgive myself if I injured or god forbid worse anyone . I hope it helps you positively. Very best for you xx i feel its wrong we have to prove we are ill to them as they dont take notice of doctors letters. Yes Ive heard they try catching you out which is why Im rather nervous! Not sure if I have posted this in the right place. I felt that the assessment went well, and the assessor I spoke to was lovely. 2 hours is such a long time! Based on many other threads here the waiting time for decision's is anything from 2-12 weeks. It isn't sent automatically. The main reason for recording the assessment officially is that they know you are, and they're more careful in the first place so with any luck you can avoid having to go to appeal. Raynauds, Osteo shoulder and Arrithmia. Get a letter from your Clinic nurse your gp supporting you . You then can go through the report highlighting anything which is wrong, and challenge it. My own Gp told me when I asked for a support letter that he had a patient who was paralysed from the waist down and was turned down because he could lift himself from chair to sofa using his arms . Weed and Modafinil (+A guide to how it works), Low platelet count and fatigue (+the relationship). Hi, she never mentioned a manager sitting/listening in so I assume there wasnt one on my call. You get the enhanced rate if you score 12 points or more. I have yet to be changed over to PIP, but what will be, will be - My wife put in for an increase on care, but she is basically looking after me 24/7 and I'm on a hospital bed, which the District Nurses are on about changing due to it being not secure enough for someone with my conditions. This will often involve a face-to-face assessment with one of the Department's contractors (Atos, Capita and Maximus). As your wife has received a text message then she will need to make sure that she answers the phone between the time stated in the text. Also, people are reluctant to say how much trouble they have - it's a very British thing to play down illness - and so they lose points. Before attending your PIP assessment, there are several things you should consider to help you prepare. Rather than being on your side some of these assessors seem to be outright looking for tricks to catch you out and turn you down so be prepared. Like yourself I have to travel to my appointments, some 30 miles and I do this often as I am under 3 consultants for variois things not to mention nurse clinic appointments as well. If your PIP claim is rejected because you missed your assessment, you can ask the DWP to change this decision. Its very specific and slightly embarrassing what they want to know. You get the standard rate if you score between eight and 11 points for your daily living needs in the PIP test. Im sorry about your friend, thats awful. Weird, gaining PIP for me was effortless (also having aspergers syndrome) the assesment was pretty succinct. Those were the 4areas as she described them to me. Glad your assessment went well. Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you. They just fail to recognise illnesses that are either rare or fluctuating. Good Luck! I was on DLA indefinite award, I suffer with. Will PIP tell me decision over the phone? these people REALLY BOIL MY BLOOD. The Mandatory Reconsideration Notice is a letter which tells you if the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has changed their decision or not, and why. If you cannot get PIP, you can apply for Attendance Allowance instead.. WCA Telephone Appointment went well. Try our Symptom Checker Got any other symptoms? Hi everyone! Very best of luck with it all! A journal of how your health has been, supporting letters from rheumatology and an honest view of how your health is, taking care to pay attention to how limited this disease makes you on bad days and on average how many bad you have is the most honest and safest way to go. Check the decision yourself If you're not sure whether the decision is right, you can check whether you qualify for PIP using these resources: Look at our Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Test guide to find out what you can score points for. I am unfortuante that I live in a place between two areas which isnt great when I need district nurses - no one is sure who owns me? Try not to worry, the worst is over - so sit back and wait (hard I know)! 1. If you have been through their assessment not just PIP bur ESA, their questionnaire is complicated and out to trick you. Do take care of yourself. If you're thinking of cancelling and forgeting about this claim then please think carefully before doing this. I would advise being very prepared - basically they are not on your side! Unfortunately I dont have a copy . I never told Dee to do anything I was giving examples of my experience. If you want to request a copy of your assessment form you can do so by ring the DWP and asking for your PA4 report. Avoid staying out late on work nights, accept all the optional invitations to work events, and spend your time at work on job-related activities only. My own doctor and consultants class me as a "Complex Case", - a slight alteration on my medications can have severe results. I had a good assessor, took a taxi to the centre. I will go through all the questions they may ask and make notes before hand using your advice. Typically, PIP back pay starts from the date of your claim and once the claim is accepted the DWP will pay you the money you have claimed or that you need. Requesting the report isnt always the best idea as it can cause more anxiety and it is only a recommendation and not the actual decision so you still won't know the outcome by Requesting the report, I am dreading all of this with benefits, i do not even know were to start never had to claim anything before, i presum i have to wait till my sick pay as finished. I have gone through each point and tried to remember what I put and made a note of it all. Some claims take less time; some take more. PIP assessment tips before your assessment. Savala is a website that writes about many topics of interest to you, a blog that shares knowledge and insights useful to everyone in many fields. After loosing this was awarded for 3 years high care and 10 out 12 points for mobility so still kept my blue badge but lost my car which I went on to purchase from Motobility. If you're awarded PIP for a fixed time of more than 2 years, the DWP . thanks Terry I wil look into it. A Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) decision maker will determine if you get Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and at what rate. Ive been told a manager will be observing the phone call which has only added to my nerves but very grateful its telephone and not video/ face to face! Explain how you tackle the task/activity that shes asking about. I know it sounds very dramatic but if you stop and think how much it does effect you you will be surprised. We will then send you a letter. 5. As anyone else applied in September 2021. Just wondered what stage you was at , Hi all I applied for pip 16/09/2021 and had my assessment 12/01/22 assessment 1hr 50 mins! To get a comprehensive full assessment and complete physical examination, it would take 1-2 hours. Could you repeat the activity? The horror stories are, if anything, even worse than they were in May of this year. You must be aged 16 or over and usually have not reached State Pension age to claim.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'psychreel_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_14',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-psychreel_com-narrow-sky-1-0'); You must also have a health condition or disability where you: You usually need to have lived in England, Scotland or Wales for at least 2 of the last 3 years, and be in one of these countries when you apply. If they called in unannounced on a bad day they would be lucky if I could summon the energy or mobility to open the door and I doubt my washing up would be done never mind hoovering and I would still be in my pjs wrapped in a blanket on the sofa. Good luck xxx. Whatever you do, do not put any make up on, do not comb or brush your hair, leave your pyjamas on, just keep remember one thing and one thing only, THEY WANT TO STOP YOU GETTING PIP, that is what they are paid to do, I know of friends and family that have had their disability payments taken or reduced, because they walked up stairs, could lift their arms, had make up on and looked well groomed, go on line and read what the CAB say to do during a PIP interview, Good luck xxx.