All queries about the application process should be directed to the NIHR. Details of all relevant grants obtained in the last five years should be provided, including personal research training awards or Fellowships, plus any additional previous grants relevant to this application. Full details of the support INVOLVE can provide and contact information is available via the, only be used for the purpose of monitoring equal opportunities. The following is a list of potential elements/headings that might be included depending on the design of the proposed research, the setting and programme being applied to, and whether it is for primary research or evidence synthesis. Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Microsoft. section. For each stakeholder group you need to be clear about how they benefit from your proposed research and, where appropriate, how they have been involved in the development of the application, as well as the plans for their involvement in the proposed research. Overheads (estates and indirect costs) can be included for CTU staff costed into the application. The NIHR is not funding as many proposals as it would like because they are not receiving enough good quality applications. or social workers, are able to request up to 40% of their time be dedicated to clinical service/development/practice, which will be covered by the Fellowship. All other activities must be undertaken outside the percentage time declared as the basis of the Fellowship. Methods for sharing study progress and findings with study participants. Healthcare Science Doctoral Research Fellowship [NIHR-HCS-D13-04-006] The views expressed . We are also partnering with a number of charitable organisations to offer jointly-funded Partnership Fellowships at both Doctoral and Advanced levels. For early career post-doctoral applicants or those transitioning into applied health/social care research; evidence of commitment to a career as a researcher in applied health or social care research. Information collected from you will not be shared outside the EEA without your consent. . There is further Guidance for the completion of the form in these Applicant Guidance Notes. Have a proposed host who is an HEI, NHS body, or other provider of health and/or care services. Clearly describe how the proposed arrangements will support your overall development and provide an initial assessment of the time that will be allocated to the research support process. Applicants aiming to use the fellowship in this way must clearly articulate how the research project and training and development programme proposed will enable them to make the transition and must also describe the direction they see their research career going in as a result of the fellowship. For Doctoral applicants this is an interview by the review selection committee. (NIHR) Advanced Fellowship, University of Nottingham Anne McLaren Fellowship, and the . Maintain and build a relationship with both the NIHR and a partner organisation, Engage with and receive valuable input from patient groups, making the most of the public and patient engagement/involvement opportunities available. Please note: Applicants will normally be hosted by either the Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust or its main HEI partner (University College London). In this way Fellows are expected to contribute to knowledge as well as practice. Positions can be based at any of the 9 School members. This type of activity can also be referred to as implementation and implementation research. Please note all other queries about the application process should be directed to the NIHR Academy. There is also an expectation that the Host Organisation will match any requests for support staff over and above the usual limit. Please note that you will need to read and be aware of the roles of participants and the signatory as described in these guidance notes. Relevant previous research experience and/or training suitable for undertaking the research described within the application. The Publication Record section of the form is automatically populated from publications added into the My Research Outputs page of your ARAMIS account. Please include all members of staff working on the research by clicking add staff details or editing a current one. It is essential that you clearly identify the health and care need your research meets or contributes to. For the purposes of social care studies treatment costs should be interpreted as intervention costs and should be included in the proposal when needed. You must provide a clear and full justification for all costs including NHS/social care costs. it is submitted. In this section it is important that you identify all stakeholders who are relevant to your research proposal. If there are no NHS Support or Excess Treatment Costs associated with the research, you must explain why you think this is the case. This should cover both the training you may need to undertake the research being proposed but also training designed to support your development as a future health\social care research leader. Please seek advice from your finance department about the appropriate cost for this section. Find out more information onORCID. These are the additional patient/service user/carer care costs associated with the research, which would end once the R&D activity in question has stopped, even if the service involved continues to be provided. Social care research falls within the remit and terms of theHRA. The SoECAT form must be uploaded even where there are no excess treatment costs. It is helpful to involve patients/service users/carers/members of the public in developing a plain English summary. NIHR Pre-Doctoral Fellowships are designed to support people who are looking to start or advance a career in health and social care research methodology, specifically in one of the following areas: Applicants without a Masters degree should use the Fellowship to undertake a Masters degree in one of the areas listed. Normally after a period of 3 years has passed you will be able to apply again for the same Fellowship, if you have previously had 2 unsuccessful applications. Please use this opportunity to describe how you plan to manage and coordinate the patient and public involvement activities in your project. Applicants need to demonstrate what new skills and experience they hope to gain through the award, and how it will benefit their future career in research. The Doctoral Fellowship will allow clinical/practice applicants, medical and other registered healthcare professionals, to spend up to 20% of their time undertaking clinical/practice activities in order to maintain clinical/practice competence and skills. If you are another partner organisation (e.g., charity or non-governmental organisation [NGO]), please fill in direct costs and other partner organisations indirect costs. If your proposed study involves patients/service users/carers/public as research participants, please use the following bullet points to summarise their characteristics and what would be expected of them throughout the research project lifecycle. Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Microsoft. Last month I gave a talk at an NIHR Fellowship Information Afternoon, coordinated jointly by the RDS and NIHR TCC. If applicants are successful in being awarded anNIHRFellowship while simultaneously being involved in anotherNIHRresearch training award competition, they will be asked to decide which programme they would like to continue with and will be withdrawn from the other. 2. The NIHR Doctoral Fellowship funds individuals from a range of health and social care professions to undertake a PhD in an area of NIHR research. Please indicate clearly any co-applicants and provide brief details of the nature and full extent of your involvement (e.g., project design, project management, day to day running, data collection, data analysis, writing papers for publication, etc.). Training may include, but is not limited to formal courses, training in specialist skills and research methodologies, placements with other research groups or centres, leadership skills, conference attendance and overseas research visits. It is important that the Training and Development Programme is tailored to your specific needs and complements the research being proposed as part of the Fellowship. Add an Interview. If you are applying for an Advanced Fellowship under the topic ofMLTC-M, please indicate in the Application Summary Information Section by selecting this option from the Career Stagedropdownbox. However, you should bear in mind that that we are unable to take into account factors that you do not disclose. If you have worked part time at 60%, and undertook research for half of that time, please enter 30% for that position. NIHR Fellowships, to quote Dawn Biram from the Trainees Coordinating Centre (TCC) who spoke, fund research and training to develop the research leaders of the future. Study participant support to consider how drop-out and issues of participation would be handled/helplines/ other access arrangements required. Please note the salary figures need to be calculated using the current annual costs (basic salary, geographical allowance and on-costs), %WTE and number of months. Proposed studies should be within the remit of the NIHR, and the outcomes measured should be health/social care related, or there should be good evidence for a link between the outcome measured and a health/social care outcome. Doctoral applicants and early career Advanced applicants can propose to undertake a systematic review as part of the fellowship, provided it is well justified. No exceptions will be made. You need to give yourself about 6 months. Please be assured that information provided by you is sensitive and will be treated confidentially and in line with General Data and Protection Regulations (GDPR). EthicsOutline any ethical and/or other regulatory issues, and arrangements for handling them. Please give details of the organisation who will be the contractor if the project is funded. The Fellowships have been designed to support people at various points of their development to become leading researchers, from initial pre-doctoral training right through to senior post-doctoral research. The research proposal provides a framework for research experience so has to be of high quality, but a good research proposal will not be supported if other elements are weak. You should then select the level of fellowship you wish to apply for from the list provided. Information collected from you will not be shared outside the EEA without your consent. The contracting agent for the NIHR Academy Executive is the Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust (LTHT). Completion of the Schedule of Events Cost Attribution Tool will be required for studies eligible for the NIHR portfolio and the support this provides, which will include access to excess treatment cost payments under the new arrangements. All components of your application, including supporting documents for the Uploads section, must be submitted by the deadline. @NIHR_RDSNW. Please click the check box to confirm you agree to the Terms and Conditions of submission as detailed on the application form. The NIHR will consider overseas research visits on an individual basis and reserves the right to limit expenditure. The DHSC Data Protection Officer can be contacted by email at: Unsuccessful applicants will only be able apply to the same fellowship on one further occasion. This section includes non-reusable items specific to the research. Any other relevant experience such as supervisory, management, teaching, public engagement and involvement, or leadership experience. Applicants thinking of including a clinical trial, feasibility or pilot study as part of their application, or are undertaking a research and/or training related to clinical trials are encouraged to consider working with aCTUwhere appropriate. Each round, the Doctoral Fellowship scheme also offers partnership awards with charities and highlights strategic themes and themed calls. AnNIHRFellowship award requires that the award holder has a contract of employment with the host organisation for the duration of the Fellowship. Please provide details of any awards or distinctions that would be relevant to your application including details of what the award was for. To be eligible for an NIHR Doctoral Fellowship you must: Full details of the latest funding rounds are available in funding opportunities. NIHR Charity Partnership Fellowships will follow the same review process as standard Fellowships, with all applications being considered by the NIHR alongside each other. A plain English summary is a clear explanation of your research. 1. Total HEI indirect costs must be fully justified. What makes a Doctoral Fellowship application excellent? Travel by the most economic means possible is encouraged. Doctoral applicants should give details of proposed supervisor(s) (up to 4) and the support they will provide. If you would like to be added to our contact list please email It is recommended that you contact your participants as early as possible to ensure they understand any action they must take before you can submit the application. Any abbreviations should be spelled out in full. Where already registered for a PhD (orMPhilwith transfer to PhD), the applicant should not have been registered for more than 12 months at 100%WTEby the time the award starts. Applicants who are active clinicians (defined as being either a registered doctor, dentist or other registered healthcare professionals eligible to apply for the Integrated Clinical Academic programme) or social workers, are able to request up to 40% of their time be dedicated to clinical service/development/practice, which will be covered by the Fellowship. Inclusion and exclusion criteria to help ensure that certain groups were not being excluded without justification. A mental health condition of long duration, such as a mood disorder or dementia. Please also select the duration of award between 2 and 5 years WTE. All primary research studies need to be assigned an ISRCTN. If you have applied for a Doctoral or Advanced Fellowship you wont be able to apply again in the round that opens 6 months later and will need to wait until at least the round which opens 12 months after your first application. Further information for those applying for a Knowledge Mobilisation Advanced Fellowship can be found in Annex E. The NIHR is partnering with a number of industry and charitable organisations to offer jointly funded NIHR Partnership Fellowships. NIHR acknowledges that you may be reluctant, or uncomfortable disclosing relevant information that is sensitive. Any large costs should be further detailed with a breakdown of constituent parts or a timescale profile of the costs. If you would like to discuss this further in relation to your personal circumstances please get in touch with theNIHRusing the details provided above. In response mode anyone who meets the eligibility criteria for a scheme is able to apply, and funding decisions are made based upon those deemedfundableby the selection committees and the ranking offundableapplications. Although we acknowledge that formal supervision may not be appropriate for all Advanced Fellowship applicants, we believe that the applicant will benefit from research support or mentorship. We will consider funding the development of models where there is a case for service need or patient/service user/carer/public benefit. People who are awarded anNIHRAdvanced Fellowships meet the criteria for the exceptional promise category for potential research leaders. the Fellowship does not include or pay for any activities other than the research and research-related training proposed in a successful application. Individuals are eligible to be awarded up to two Advanced Fellowships sequentially, not normally totalling more than 8 years WTE of funding. If an allegation of plagiarism is raised against an application this will be investigated in accordance with the NIHR Academy Executives policy on plagiarism, a copy of which is available on request from. Why is this research important in terms of improving the health and/orwellbeingof the public and/or to patients/service users, carers and health and care services? The costs that will be met by the Fellowship awards differ slightly depending on the type of host employer that is chosen by the applicant (i.e. If undertaking part-time this should be reduced accordingly up to a maximum of 20%. From the 1st of June 2022, all eligible awards contracts issued across, will have an Open Access Envelope allocated to them on top of the award value, which is ring-fenced for open access costs of peer reviewed research articles that arise directly from the research funded by the award in question. You will not be able to claim for pay awards retrospectively, once your research is underway. In all cases it should be noted that if you are not applying under a Strategic Theme or Themed Call you should not be put off applying. Applicants will be expected to demonstrate how they intend to draw on existing or emerging NIHR-funded research, as well as on the wider evidence base, in their knowledge mobilisation activities. Support staff (research assistants) can be requested as part of an Advanced Fellowship application. 1. Yes there will be the option to request funding for a support post and no there wont be a restriction on this depending on the post-doctoral experience of the applicant. All components of your application, including supporting documents for the Uploads section, must be submitted by the deadline. In determining NHS Treatment costs you must assume that the patient care service being assessed will continue even though there may be no plans for it to do so. A. It should be noted that being a signatory to Concordats or holding bronze/silver status from the Equality Charters isnt a requirement of funding and evidence can be provided through other means. During my NIHR In-Practice Fellowship (1/12/2014 to 30/11/2016), I conducted a feasibility study using large database of electronic health records from general practice (Clinical Practice Research Datalink - CPRD) to examine trends in abortions in UK general practice. NIHR is interested in funding translational research which involves investigation undertaken in humans which can show a trajectory to benefiting patients. . Wellbeing of Women is the womens health charity saving and changing the lives of women, girls and babies. Finally, I thought about the set. be proposing to develop a career as a methodologist in one of the areas listed above. DHSC NIHR respects the privacy of individuals who share their data and processes it in a manner that meets the requirements of GDPR. The DHSC Data Protection Officer can be contacted by email at: includes further information including ways we may use your data, our contact details and details on your individual rights regarding how your data is used. Please declare any conflicts or potential conflicts of interest that you may have in undertaking this research, including any relevant, non-personal & commercial interest that could be perceived as a conflict of interest. Proposals will also involve close collaborations with the users of the research within the health and social care setting. A physical non-communicable disease of long duration, such as a cardiovascular disease or cancer. The SoECAT form can be uploaded in Excel format, A clear explanation of the problem being addressed, A clear demonstration of the need for and importance of the research, A review of existing literature (primary research), A clear research question / aim(s) and objectives, A clear project plan summarising the study design and methods, Appropriate and relevant involvement of patients/service users, carers and the public, A clear, appropriate and relevant plan for dissemination, NIHR expects all content within applications for funding to be original material of the applicant's own work, with the exception of sections that other participants are required to complete.